Monday, September 3, 2012

David & Enye

 On Saturday, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on a partly cloudy day, at a red-brick Lutheran church, one of my dear friends and one of my favorite people in the world, David, got married to the lovely Enye.

They are both of the rather eccentric variety - brilliant, quirky, imaginative, creative people - two souls who are utterly comfortable with being themselves. Their ceremony matched their personalities and their relationship perfectly.

I was tearing up throughout soaking in every look between the bride and groom. They bared their hearts before us all - raw and emotional and authentic hearts - and had most of their guests enraptured within minutes, as they unfolded their love story piece by piece, picture by picture, and presented a tale that rivals that of A Princess Bride (which is also one of their favorite books/films).

It was - entirely amazing. Unforgettable. A true honor being a guest at this wedding and sharing in this momentous occasion.

Look at the way David looks at Enye, as they move toward each other and meet in the center of the aisle.... *Happy, romantic sigh*

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Happy Single - Introduction

Do you ever get that worry or fear inside of you that maybe you won't get married someday, when it's the desire of your heart?

Are you ever frustrated that others around you seem to be falling in love, getting engaged, planning weddings, getting married, and loving being married...and you're just not in that season right now?

Does the thought of being one of those unhappy single people make you groan inwardly, and say "Please, God, no! Don't ever let me be that person!"?

Are you perhaps already an unhappy single person?

Has God told you that you will be married someday, but it just isn't happening yet, and you're struggling to stay in faith that he will be good on his word?

Can or does God even tell us things like that? Can we really be sure we heard from God?

Does being single right now ever feel challenging, hopeless, boring, embarrassing, scary, or lonely?

Does the thought of being single the rest of your life strike terror in your heart?

These are all thoughts that might be swirling around in your mind at any given moment in time. Or maybe you're just a totally happy single person, and you just find this topic interesting, as it's one that's close to your heart, too.

I've been looking forward to starting this blog for a few months now.

It's come to my attention recently that there's so many of us out there that really want to live radical, happy, fulfilling lives during our single years, for however long those years end up being.

If you're one of those, and you're looking for encouragement, advice, prayer, support, and community, then WELCOME and I hope you are BLESSED.

Jesus has a GOOD plan for your life. Now let's dig in and find out more about that....